James C.I. Dooge, 56MS, a founding father of modern computer-based, statistical hydrology, is the authority to ask about the water of bogs and fens or the sedimentary properties of peat silt. But, for most of his career, Dr. Dooge has foregone fieldwork on the floodplains of the world for careers in the classroom and in politics.
As an applied engineering hydrologist, Dr. Dooge talks and writes about flood peaks, surface runoff, groundwater recharge, and theory of flood routing. He can provide any interested audience a brief course on hydrological concepts, river improvements, and the historical development of open channel flow. As an academician, Dooge has been a professor of civil engineering at two of Ireland's leading universities—University College Cork (1958-1870) and University College Dublin (1970-1984).
Presently, Dr. Dooge is a scientist with a global view and deep sense of sociopolitical responsibility. He has written sensibly and importantly about the water balance of Europe, engineers' contributions to economic development in Ireland, the education of technologists, and the engineer's view of administrative efficiency. In recent years, he delivered World Food Day lectures for the Freedom from Hunger Council of Ireland, offering the concerned his evaluations of Third World water problems and Irish aid efforts.
Politics beckoned Dr. Dooge at an early age. He became an elected member of the Dublin County Council a few years after his 1942 graduation from University College Dublin. By 1952, when he received a master's in civil engineering from the National University of Ireland, he had already served one of two terms as chairman of the council. He resigned from office to come to the University of Iowa in 1854 as a research associate. But, after returning home with his master's in fluid mechanics and hydraulics, many of his engineering colleagues were anxious that he stand for their interests in the Irish Senate.
First elected senator by lower house members in 1961, Dr. Dooge served 16 years of several consecutive terms and was chosen to be both deputy chairman and chairman of the senate. In 1967, he had a hand in rewriting the Irish Constitution. Before a brief hiatus from political life between 1977 and 1981, he had served as a member of both the Irish Council of State and the Presidential Commission, which assumes leadership during presidential absence.
Dr. Dooge returned to politics in 1981, and, for two years, was minister of foreign affairs, the equivalent of the U.S. secretary of state. A senate majority leader from 1983 to 1987, he's been active in the New Ireland Forum, a group seeking peace and stability for Ireland. In 1984, he represented his country on the European Economic Community's Committee on Institutional Affairs and European Union.
The Institute of Engineers of Ireland twice awarded Dr. Dooge its Mullins Silver Medal for hydrological contributions. In 1986, he received the Bowie Medal fro the American Geophysical union and he has been recognized with honorary doctorates from the universities of Wageningen (Holland), Lund (Sweden), and Birmingham (England), as well as from the University of Dublin.
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