Faculty and Staff Giving

No one is more invested in the University of Iowa than the dedicated people who work here. You understand the value of the work being done on this campus better than anyone. By giving yourself every day through your work, you make Iowa a remarkable institution. When you give back to the university financially, you demonstrate that our faculty and staff believe in the university's missions and the importance of higher education.

Please consider annually supporting the University of Iowa causes you're most passionate about.

Ways to Give

Give a one-time gift or set up an ongoing or fixed pledge.

Complete a payroll deduction form to automatically deduct your gift from your paycheck one time or as a monthly ongoing or fixed pledge.

Give to a GOLDrush crowdfunding campaign, run online by Iowa faculty, staff, and students.

Complete an electronic funds transfer (EFT) form to automatically deduct your gift from your bank account as a monthly ongoing pledge.

*If you prefer to mail your gift, complete the faculty/staff contribution form with your check.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can give to any University of Iowa area(s) or program(s), including to the colleges and departments where you work.

The University of Iowa Center for Advancement is a 501(c)(3) organization and the preferred channel for private contributions that benefit the University of Iowa. You will receive a receipt for tax purposes.

You can find basic information about your options for planned giving on our website. If you have questions about including the university in your long-term plans, or would like to inform us about a bequest, please call 319-335-3305 and ask for Susan Hagan or another member of the planned giving team.

Why I Give

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