Distinguished Alumni Award

Thomas R. Temple 77MS

2008 Service Award

Thomas R. Temple, 77MS, has endeavored for three decades to inspire patient-centered changes in the practice of pharmacy that have substantially improved the health and welfare of Iowans and all U.S. citizens.

After receiving a B.S. degree in biology from Northern Illinois University in 1971 and a B.S. in pharmacy from the University of Illinois in 1975, Temple arrived at the University of Iowa ready to pursue an M.S. degree in pharmacy administration. Soon after graduation from the UI College of Pharmacy, he found his calling. Since 1980, Temple has held one of the pharmacy profession's most critical and influential positions in the state of Iowa. As executive vice president of the Iowa Pharmacy Association and CEO of subsidiary corporations Iowa Pharmacy Foundation and Pharmacy Network of Iowa, Temple has become a nationally respected expert with tremendous achievements to his credit on the local, state, and national levels.

In a profession that has redefined itself over the past two decades, Temple has been instrumental in making fundamental changes in how pharmacy is practiced in this country. No longer just dispensers of medication, pharmacists are now viewed as patient educators and advocates. Many offer immunization services, play a central role in patient case management, and oversee medication therapy management for patientsinnovations that have enabled pharmacists to provide more cost-effective, quality care.

Temple's expertise is frequently called upon by the state's key policymakers, including the governor, the Department of Human Services, Iowa Blue Cross/Blue Shield, and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Through his long service, Temple has become the senior state pharmacy leader in America. On the national scene, he is a key figure around discussion tables and a compelling advocate of the major economic, educational, and social issues challenging the pharmacy profession. An author of several publications, he has also spoken at numerous professional healthcare meetings nationwide. He is a dedicated member of the National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations, the American Pharmacists Association, and other key organizations in the U.S. and abroad.

A loyal supporter of pharmacy education, Temple encourages students to pursue professional involvement early in their careers, and he serves as a role model for many Iowa graduates who have eventually become leaders in their field and in their communities. In recognition of his student advocacy, in 1995 he received his profession's highest honor, the Gloria Niemeyer-Francke Leadership Mentor Award from the American Pharmacists Association. He is also the recipient of distinguished alumni awards from both the University of Illinois and the University of Iowa's College of Pharmacy.

As a proud UI alumnus, Temple is an unequivocal supporter of the University of Iowa, and he continues to give back to the institution in myriad ways, including having served for 20 years as a member of the UI College of Pharmacy advisory council.

With vision and leadership, Thomas Temple has transformed his profession's public service mission and elevated the pharmacist's role in medicine. His impact on comprehensive health care is evident any time a patient consults with a pharmacist at the drugstore counter.

Temple is an annual member of the UI Alumni Association and an associate member of the UI Foundation's Presidents Club.

About Distinguished Alumni Awards

Since 1963, the University of Iowa has annually recognized accomplished alumni and friends with Distinguished Alumni Awards. Awards are presented in seven categories: Achievement, Service, Hickerson Recognition, Faculty, Staff, Recent Graduate, and Friend of the University.

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